作者: Edwar Ilasaca Cahuata ,
摘要: A inicios de los ochenta, paises del mundo empezaron a orientar sus politicas desarrollo en funcion objetivos sostenible, teniendo como consecuencia la necesidad cuantificarlos. El objetivo presente trabajo, fue generar indicadores sinteticos aplicando el metodo componentes principales para las 24 regiones Peru – 2015. Se ha generado haciendo uso SPSS y Excel, obteniendose dos principales: socio-economico que agrupa cuatro explica 38,278%, socio-ambiental restantes 36,06% variabilidad datos. Finalmente se elaborado un ranking regiones, ocupando primer puesto Moquegua con 0,803 ultimo Huancavelica 0,198.Estos resultados brindan una radiografia e informan situacion sostenible Palabras clave: Analisis factorial, principales, indicadores, sostenible. ABSTRACT It is proposed in this research Synthetic Indicators generation on Sustainable Development - 2015, through Factorial Analysis application Main components method order to reduce the dimensionality from set of sustainable development indicators compound Independent factors. The research design was strategic quantitative, non experimental, cross sectional, correlational, and the data collection technique secondary documentary sources, using INEI National Decision Making System System database Of Peruvian Environmental Information obtain eight considered study. Data processing analysis were performed using v. 23 EXCEL which allowed obtaining correlation matrix, main components, rotated components, weight index for each and determination region. Two factors or obtained explain 74.343% variability, first factor grouped four we denominate socioeconomic explains 38.278%. second remaining Socio-environmental 36.065%. Finally, generate regions validation compare them with Regional Competitiveness Index. Key Words: Analysis, Components, Indicators, synthetic indicators,sustainable development.