摘要: The hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) is a basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) heterodimeric transcription factor activated by reductions in oxygen concentration (hypoxia). Activated HIF-1 upregulates expression of genes involved the adaptation higher organisms to hypoxic conditions, caused e.g. high altitude, anemia, wound healing or during development. Examples these oxy-genes include erythropoietin, hormone regulating erythropoiesis and hence transport capacity, vascular endothelial growth factor, potent inducer angiogenesis leading increased blood capillary density. heterodimer composed HIF-1alpha an ARNT subunit, both belonging explosively growing PAS subfamily bHLH factors. Closely related, but differentially expressed, factors have recently been cloned, at least one which can also be hypoxia. In this review, we present survey bH LH-PAS family as well regulated HIF-1, summarize our current knowledge on oxygen-dependent activation fascinating factor.