作者: Jean W. Lange , Joyce Shea , Sheila C. Grossman , Meredith Wallace , Betty R. Ferrell
DOI: 10.1097/NJH.0B013E3181B4CC54
摘要: Theneedforimprovednursingknowledgeaboutend-of-life care is well documented; however,efficient measures to evaluate knowledgeattainmentfromend-of-lifetrainingprogramsarelacking. The authors tested a 50-item versionof an original 109-item knowledge assessmenttool developed by the End-of-Life NursingEducation Consortium. Items with highestitem-to-total correlations were selected torepresent each of nine domains in theoriginal instrument. One hundred forty-onegraduate and undergraduate nursing studentspretested shorter version. Thirty graduatestudents also completed version.Item analysis, equivalence, internalconsistency estimates conducted toevaluatethevalidityofthe50-itemversion.Scoreson versions highlycorrelated (