摘要: An increasing demand for environmental, socio - cultural and political aspects has led to that more integrated methods of tourism planning evolved, which emphasize sustainability as a key fa c- tor. However, it is argued the term used carelessly and social aspect is often overlooked. In this thesis, local participation dealt with a s an aspect so cial sustain a- bility in tourism. Participation gained ground due its possibility handle issues such as reluctance from communities competing interests among stakeholders. There are too many projects have failed, why also motivated by increased effectiveness eff i- ciency initiatives. takes place theory planning documents but rarely practice, could be level participa tion low, considering local communit ies merely passive informants. This espe cially interesting important aspect projects developing countries, where unequal power relations issue must be considered throughout, avoid development workers seeing themselves l egitimised civilisers. Two destination processes been identified thesis moving towards a view stakeholders should take part process : place branding experience innova tion. It however discussed how particip ation can place. Design allows empathy, intu i- tion user involvement, evolutionary nature design process fits well how scholars describe innovation. The purpose to demonstrate how enhance innovation in order achieve sustainable develop ment. The case ecotourism site Lake Victoria Kenya collaborative action - oriented approach used for the destination. The active involveme nt facil itator , partner and participant observer contributes to an in - depth understanding con text situation. The study reveals a visualisation as communication and idea generating tool is at core. The theo retical contribution beginning an understanding of participatory marketing and design get opportunity collaborate. The practical inspiration, motivation and tools work development.