摘要: By the middle of last century, it became obvious that chemical composition surfaces and interfaces in atomic dimensions determines many properties materials. For example, corrosion oxidation, intergranular brittle fracture, wear friction, electronic strongly depend on surface interfacial microchemistry [1.1]. Therefore, there was a growing demand for analysis layer scale. This fact enhanced rapid development methods based ion electron spectroscopy. Auger spectroscopy (AES) first technique used solids, followed by X-ray-induced photoelectron (XPS). Both techniques have outstanding features when compared with other interface (see Chap. 10). They are characterized relatively small matrix effect, capability easy elemental identification detection bonds, they principally nondestructive. Furthermore, particularly AES, an spatial resolution and, XPS, high energy-resolution enable mapping elements states. AES XPS can be easily combined sputtering to obtain high-resolution compositional depth profiles thin films. Today, using backbone any materials research laboratory. their application, large number topics science successfully treated, as compiled Table 1.1. this book, reader is provided knowledge necessary understand apply these solve typical problems.