摘要: Introduction and overview: Maggie O'Neill (Staffordshire University) Rosie Campbell (NACRO) 1 The policing regulation of sex work, Phil Hubbard (Loughborough 2 Female street work communities, 3 Zoning Marieke Van Doornick (A. De Graaf Foundation) 4 Behind the personal ads: indoor female markets in Britain, Teela Sanders (Leeds 5 conundrum women's agency: migrations industry, Laura Augustin (The Open 6 Murder made easy: final solution to prostitution? Hilary Kinnell (UK Sex Work Projects) 7 problem drug use: links, Tiggy May Gillian Hunter (London South Bank 8 "Finding 'I' sexual exploitation: young voices within policy practice", Jenny Pearce (Middlesex 9 clients workers: men or monsters? 10 Support services for workers, Jane Pitcher 11 workers labour movement UK, Anna Lopes (GMB, International Union Workers) Index.