摘要: Android作为占用大部分市场份额的智能移动开源平台,正面临着日益严重的安全威胁。虽然Android系统本身提供了一套安全保护机制来保护系统和应用的安全,但是依然存在着安全风险。为了保护Android智能手机安全,在深入分析Android系统安全机制的基础上,利用安全检测模型对应用进行分类汇总隔离形成安全容器的机制,可以有效的对Android系统及应用进行保护,同时有效地保护用户的个人数据。 Android which takes up most of the market share smart mobile open-source platform is facing increasingly serious security threat. Although system itself provides a set secu-rity mechanism to protect safety and application, there still risk. In order smartphone, on basis in-depth analysis An-droid mechanism, using testing model classify, collect isolate appli-cations, safe container formed. It can be effective system, application users’ personal data.