作者: Barkawi Bin Sahari , Marjan Bahrami Nasab , Mohd Roshdi Hassan
摘要: One of the most significant current discussionsin orthopedic is total joint replacementsespecially hip and knee increasingtrend to replace degraded destroyedbiological materials by artificial organs. It isestimated that approximately 1 million hipreplacements 250,000 replacementsare carried out per year [1]. This number isexpected double between 1999 2025 asa result aging populations worldwide andgrowing demand for a higher quality life [2].Another statistical data estimated theend 2030, will increase 174% totalknee arthoplasties predicted grow 673%from present rate [3]. An increasing trend ofthe replacements in differentcountries over last 10–15 years shown infig 1.Yet-increasing implants makes itcrucial accelerate efforts on biomaterials.Unfortunately, currently used havebeen found have tendencies fail after long-term usage due not fulfilling some vitalrequirements such as modulus close ofbone, high wear corrosion resistance andgood biocompatibility. Rimnac et al.[4]investigated failure implantsin three case studies (hip knee) andillustrated both material designdeficiencies contribute jointreplacements. Failure biomaterialsimposes pain patient timerevision surgery should be performed.The purpose this paper review somerecent researches about presently usedmetallic biomaterials discuss greatpotential NiTi porous shape memoryalloys (SMA) implant. Meanwhilethis study seeks address followingquestions:1) When going thehuman body, what kinds requirements shouldbe fulfilled considered successful biomaterial?2) What kind problems can occur if theserequirements are satisfied material?3) Which thecurrently which cannot befulfilled?4) solutions available improvingthe properties completelysatisfied biomaterials?5) Do necessary beutilized metallic biomaterial orthopedicimplants especially knee?The reminder organized asfollows; section 2 describes requirementsand general issue biomaterials. So thetwo first research questions answeredin section. Section 3 questions3-5. Superior these willbe discussed 4. Final sectionconcludes purposes further works.