作者: M. Lisa Kellogg , Ashley R. Smyth , Mark W. Luckenbach , Ruth H. Carmichael , Bonnie L. Brown
DOI: 10.1016/J.ECSS.2014.09.025
摘要: Enhancingpopulations ofsuspension feedingbivalves,particularlythe easternoyster,Crassostreavirginica, has been proposed as a means of mitigating eutrophication in coastal waters. Review studies evaluating the effects C. virginica on nitrogen (N) cycling found that oysters can have water quality vary by orders magnitude among sites, seasons, and growing condition (e.g., oyster reefs, aquaculture). Nitrogen contained phytoplankton consumed may be returned to column, assimilatedintooystertissue shell,buriedin sediments,orreturnedtothe atmosphereas dinitrogen gas, primarily via denitrification. Accurately quantifying oyster-related N removal requires detailed knowledge oftheseprimaryfatesofNincoastalwaters.Areviewofexistingdatademonstratedthatthecurrentstateof knowledgeisincompleteinmanyrespects.Nitrogenassimilatedintooystertissueandshellpergramofdry weight was generallysimilaracrosssitesand growingon reefscomparedto aquaculture.Data long-term burial associated with reefs or aquaculture are lacking. When compared suitable reference denitrification rates were not consistently enhanced. Depending environmental conditions, changes varied did always occur. Oyster rarely enhanced Unharvested frequently rates. Incorporating into nutrient reduction strategies will require filling gaps existing data determine extent which relationships between and/or conditions generalized.