Phishing: Cutting the Identity Theft Line

作者: Russell Dean Vines , Rachael Lininger



摘要: About the Authors.Introduction.Chapter 1: Phishing for Phun and Profit.Chapter 2: Bait Switch: Emails.Chapter 3: False Fronts: Websites.Chapter 4: Are You Owned? Understanding Spyware.Chapter 5: Gloom Doom: Can't Stop Completely.Chapter 6: Helping Your Organization Avoid Phishing.Chapter 7: Fighting Back: How Can Respond to Attacks.Chapter 8: Avoiding Hook: Consumer Education.Chapter 9: Help! I'm a Phish! Response.Appendix A: Glossary of Phishing-Related Terms.Appendix B: Useful Websites.Appendix C: Identity Theft Affidavit.Index.
