摘要: Abstract. Identification of the fungi forming ectomycorrhiza is still a greatchallenge. Much knowledge on fungal diversity resulted from field surveys ofsporocarps. Two methods are currently being used to describe ECM fungalcommunities associated with root tips: molecular techniques andmorphological classification. Morphological and anatomical descriptions ofectomycorrhizal roots have provided useful data for identifying belowground, but most species not been described by this method. According tocurrent morphotyping (based morphological classification) canbe very as primary method ectomycorrhizal classification, whenused in conjunction techniques. Although techniquesbased restriction fragment length polimorphism- (RFLP) internaltranscribed spacer (ITS) analysis polymerase chain reaction (PCR) areeffective tools identificate ectomycorrhiza, do they limitations. Forinstance, many types remain unknown because no matchingRFLP type observed available databases. It seems that promisingmethod ectomycorrhizas can be DNA-sequence analysis.