摘要: Abstract. The Montserrat Oriole (Icterus oberi) is a critically endangered species, confined to small range in the hill forests of volcanic island eastern Caribbean. From 1998 2005 we studied its breeding biology and survival adults, finding that has smaller clutch, more extended parental care, higher adult than do orioles nesting North Temperate Zone. Adults' probabilities varied by year from 0.60 0.76 but were similar for both sexes. Average clutch size was 2.6 eggs (± 0.04 SE), post-fledging care 40 ± 5 days. We found nest success 29% (n = 275 nests), 87% failures due predation either introduced rats (Rattus sp.) or native Pearly-eyed Thrasher (Margarops fuscatus). Most pairs initiated several attempts after failed successful first broods, leading an overall annual productivity 1.2 fledged chicks per pair. Despite being able raise up thr...