Enterocin Typing of Enterococci Isolated from Dried Infant Foods

作者: V.K. Batish , Harish Chander , B. Ranganathan

DOI: 10.3168/JDS.S0022-0302(86)80492-1


摘要: One hundred and fifty enterococcal isolates recovered from 16 market samples of infant foods 35 other sources were characterized subjected to enterocin typing with 18 indicator strains. Among 150 isolates, 114 (76%) able be typed by the Although 24 patterns observed these enterococci, most prevalent types X-9, 224, 65-603. Occurrence pattern X-9 either singly or in combination many was frequent. Many dairy water supply hand washings personnel working a plant that manufactured food; this suggests possibility as contamination. Enterocin enterococci could prove useful epidemiological studies.

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