作者: Catherine Carré
摘要: Resume L'auteur part du constat caractere incertain et evolutif de la gestion des risques, dans sa theorie pratique. Cela est en partie a l'aspect tres recent d'une veritable prise main cette par les acteurs territoriaux se combinant difficilement une action traditionnelle l'Etat collectivites territoriales securite civile. Les plans prevention risques ont ete d'abord percus comme tentative reprise centralisatrice l'Etat. Actuellement, un contexte retour d'experience, plusieurs formes d'actions accompagnent completent PPR. Il s'agit redefinir competences moyens entre territoriales, l'interieur collectivites, publics prives. L'enjeu permettre l'integration risque inondation le developpement territoires pour qu'il ne soit plus seulement frein au mais aussi moteur projets. Abstract The aim of this paper is to reexamine hazard policy in France, which has been perceived as relaying on strong public doctrine and practice. To the contrary, will show that at its start deeply changed for past ten years. present lack real preventive cer- tainly first explanation. Central local governments have developed ci- vil security through last century, based crisis responses but total ignorance actions culture applied territory. regional communities are an almost complete civil eva- cuating information. Since 1995, State decided limit urbanization river bed flooding area. This done without any kind negotiation with authorities, climate mutual suspicion hostility. Recently, central government promoting different help maintaining their development, short term long actions, sustainable pers- pective.