摘要: Ice core data show a strong correlation between atmospheric CO2 and global temperature over the glacial cycles, indicating that climate system is closely coupled to carbon cycle. During four last past 420,000 years, had excursions from 200 ppmv during cold periods, up 280 warm interglacial periods (Petit et al. 1999) (see fig. 1a). Other trace gases such as methane also temporal coupling with cycles 1999). Over more recent history, has been recorded increase roughly at dawn of industrial revolution, 360 today lb) (Etheridge 1996). This sharp due a) burning fossil fuel for energy production (Andres 1996) b) intense deforestation, essentially in tropics, needed meet increasing food fibre demand (Houghton 1995). Many forests have cut or degraded, today, large fraction terrestrial ecosystems directly influenced by human activities. Land use years caused release (mainly atmosphere).