摘要: Foundational transactional memory research grew out of into nonblocking concurrent data structures, which aim to overcome the many well-known software engineering, performance, and robustness problems associated with lock-based implementations. Recently, researchers have developed blocking STMs, recognising that they are much easier design engineering benefits STM can be delivered even by a STM. But hiding from application programmer does not eliminate all its disadvantages, in some cases is unacceptable, for example if used coordinate between an interrupt handler interrupted thread.Recently, common belief has emerged STMs fundamentally faster than ones largely based on Ennals's argument [2] cannot store datain-place as most do. However, this only intuition, formal proof. It misses possibility designs closely mimic case, resorting techniques such displacing when needed avoid waiting thread delayed while modifying it.We present novel word-based approach. Our eliminates several significant sources common-case overhead previous best word STM, also performs comparably simple it based.