作者: E. R. Hunting , W. Admiraal , C. Mulder
摘要: abstract Toxicants potentially decouple links between biodiversity and ecosystem processes. This study aimed toevaluate how toxicants affect invertebrate bioturbation decomposition. Effects of copper on func-tionally distinct macrofaunal species (Asellus aquaticusand Tubifexspp.), decomposition (release ofdissolved organic carbon, DOC) Average Metabolic Response (AMR) Community Di-versity (CMD) bacteria were determined in 5-day microcosm experiments. Bioturbation was assessedas sediment redox potential (Eh) pro les. Concentrationeresponse curves the functional parametersDOC, faunal mediated AMR CMD presence ofTubifexspp. depended onTubifexspp.survival, i.e. similar EC 50 values for both endpoints. In contrast, parameters ofA. aquaticuswere more sensitive than survival. Sediment Eh-pro les showed that reduced decomposi-tion caused by reworking byA. aquaticusat sub-lethal concentrations.These observations hint at a decoupling community structure functioningupon stress. 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.