摘要: Part-of-speech tagging or, more accurately, morphosyntactic tagging, is a procedure that assigns to each word token appearing in text its description, e.g. “masculine singular common noun the genitive case”. Morphosyntactic an important component of many language technology applications, such as machine translation, speech synthesis, or information extraction. In paper we report on experiment Slovene, sample Slovene legal language. We evaluate accuracy TnT tagger, which had been trained MULTEXT-East resources for Slovene. The test data come from freely available parallel English-Slovene corpus SVEZ-IJS, contains translation European Union acts. Presented are details manually corrected and analysis errors. also discusses simple transformation-based program fixes some errors, concludes with directions future work. Povzetek: V prispevku je opisan poskus oblikoslovnega oznacevanja na vzorcu slovenskih pravnih besedil.