摘要: The quantum Hall effect (QHE) is one of the most striking, and at same time enigmatic, physical phenomena to be discovered in last few decades. Experimentally, results are simple, straightforward, almost unparalleled accuracy. Quantum research facilities have sprung up all over world, “von Klitzing constant” R = 25812.807 has become a metrological standard. Theoretically, however, this simplicity not emerged. Although great many papers been written on effect, very QHE books appeared, those that emphasize tentative nature theories. An introductory text, published 1994, describes situation succinctly [1]: “A somewhat disturbing fact faces when writing book theory that, unfortunately, for being no conclusive fundamental phenomenon available – spite numerous attempts undertaken explain it from its discovery. All achieved so far working out certain aspects which will part ultimate still achieved. ... In general, publishing an introduction non-existing considered advisable.” present paper we list briefly discuss series enigmatic topics. Hopefully these lead further investigations important field.