作者: Carol Dashiff , Hussein Abdullatif , Elaine Moreland , Shannon Morrison
摘要: eparation anxiety, the discom-fort, fear, or guilt experiencedwhen someone is separatedfrom a significant other person,has been widely acknowledged andstudied among parents of young chil-dren, and in infants chil-dren (Dashiff & Weaver, 2008). Sepa -ration also regarded as normativeexperience adolescents seekingautonomy (Berman Sperling, 1991).Parents experience sep-aration-related distress, possibly be -cause it challenging to maintainconnections with whospend increasing amounts time out-side family (Larson, Richards,Moneta, Hombeck, Duckett, 1996). Parents youth type 1 dia-betes mellitus (T1D) are especiallyconfronted numerous additionalchallenges that may evoke separationanxiety during adolescent years.Poorly controlled diabetes can resultin major organ damage shortenedlife expectancy (Silverstein et al.,2005). Parental awareness theselong-term serious life-limitingcomplications related poor diseasemanagement, well declines inadherence glycemic control thatoccur adolescence progressesprocesses (Dashiff, 1995; Dashiff &Weaver, 2008), has not previous-ly investigated adoles-cents T1D, although influ-ence self-management glycemiccontrol by interfering par-ents’ ability support effective ado-lescent self-management. The purposeof this exploratory study was inves-tigate whether there were relation-ships mothers’ fathers’separation self-management, inhigh school seniors 16 18 years ofage.