Modelling and experimental studies on pyrolysis of biomass particles

作者: Anup Kumar Sadhukhan , Parthapratim Gupta , Ranajit Kumar Saha

DOI: 10.1016/J.JAAP.2007.11.007


摘要: Abstract A simple mathematical model has been developed to describe the pyrolysis of a single biomass particle. fully transient analysis involving kinetic coupled with heat transfer presented. The consists both primary and secondary reactions while includes diffusive, convective radiative modes transfer. Fourth-order Runge–Kutta–Gill method is used solve model, implicit Finite Volume Method (FVM) Tri-Diagonal Matrix Algorithm (TDMA) employed model. parameters reaction are estimated by Levenberg Marquardt nonlinear optimization technique. general-purpose FORTRAN program equations estimation parameters. Experimental investigations carried out for wood fines cylinders in an electrically heated reactor. predictions temperature mass loss histories excellent agreement experimental results. also validated published Finally, effects particle size on time yield final char have analyzed simulation.

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