摘要: Abstract In this paper we will compare and contrast some of the newer methods with theestablished in field object-oriented software engineering. The re-viewed are Solution-Based Modelling, Business Object Notation BehaviourAnalysis. new offer solutions ideas to issues such as object identi-fication from scenarios, traceability supporting techniques, criteria for phase completionand method support reliability. Although all these contributions, identified someissues, particular design dynamic binding, that still have be taken into account anobject-oriented method. 1. Introduction past years seen emergence quite a number different development. many them now been applied tested on manyreal-world projects which experience reports published, softwaremanager is facing daunting task when he select best his organ-isation. Furthermore, area evolving continue appear everyyear. A major problem terminology style presentation make methodslook more than they really are, thereby obscuring truly differentiating issues.In evaluate recently published high-light those features innovative contributions. havebeen studied [Gol92], [Ner93],[Rub 92].