摘要: One of the main sources water in semi-arid and arid region world is flood driven recharge. In recent research on groundwater surface interaction, attention has focused study exchanges between near-stream aquifer stream. important near stream processes bank storage. During events, there a hydraulic gradient from to groundwater, which induces net flux into aquifer. This known as “bank storage”. will slowly release back when level drops towards The aim this thesis document procedure required develop storage model that can be linked MODFLOW model. For purpose three dimensional, three-season was built for hypothetical Dry Alkaline Basin. A MATLAB code simulate process developed. These two models were through well package routed SFR package. Different stage hydrograph scenarios generated effect groundwater. results indicate number rise shape entering system, they have same average stage, produced similar addition, show reaches, gaining during normal flow network, become losing high periods. recharge key evaluating ecological structure systems stream-restoration riparianmanagement efforts.