Studies on the experimental epidemiology of respiratory infections. III. Certain aspects of the behavior of type A influenza virus as an air-borne cloud.

作者: I. L. Shechmeister

DOI: 10.1093/INFDIS/87.2.128


摘要: Received for publication January 24, 1950. This investigation was supported in part by grants from the Office of Naval Research, U. S. Navy. The opinions and assertions contained this report are private ones writer not to be construed as official or reflecting views Navy Department naval service at large. (From Article 1252, Regulations 1948.) author wishes thank Miss Kathryn Goudberg valuable technical assistance. * Present address: Bacteriology Immunology, Washington University School Medicine, St. Louis, Mo. 1. Wells, W. F. Brown, H. 1936, Am. J. Hyg. 24: 407-413. 2. Science, 84: 68-69. 3. Trillat, A. Beauvillain, 1937, Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. 205: 1186-1188. 4. 1938, Rev. d'hyg. 6: 104-107. 5. Henle, 1941, Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 48: 298-301. 6. Zellat, Biol, ft 544-547. 7. Smith, W., Andrewes, C. Stuart-Hardevelopment techniques study airborne infection has been reviewed first paper series, reference such information is therefore made it.10
