摘要: Introduction (N. Lee & C. George).EA PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES AND PRACTICE.Environmental Assessment in its Developmental and Regulatory Context Lee).Comparative Review of Environmental Procedures Practice (C. George).Screening Scoping Wood).Environmental Impact Prediction Evaluation George).Economic Valuation Impacts Kirkpatrick).Social (F. Vanclay).Reviewing the Quality Assessments Lee).Methods Consultation Public Participation (R. Bisset).Integrating Appraisals Decision-making Lee).Environmental Monitoring, Management Auditing George).COUNTRY INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES OF EA PROCEDURES PRACTICE.Country Studies Chile, Indonesia Russian Federation (L. Contreras, et al.).Country Nepal, Jordan Zimbabwe Khadka, al.).Environmental Development Banks Aid Agencies Rees, al.).Strengthening Future Practice: An International Perspective (H. Abaza).Index.