作者: Hugo Martel , Premana Premadi
DOI: 10.1086/524978
摘要: We use a series of ray-tracing experiments to determine the magnification distribution high-redshift sources by gravitationallensing.Wedetermineempiricallytherelationbetweenmagnificationandredshift,forvariouscosmological models.Wethenusethisrelationtoestimatetheeffectof lensingonthedeterminationof thecosmologicalparameters from observations high-z supernovae. found that, for supernovae at redshifts z <1:8, effect lensing is negligiblecomparedtotheintrinsicuncertaintyinthemeasurements.Usingmockdataintherange1:8 < 8,we show that can become significant. Hence, if population very high was ever discovered,it would be crucialto fully understandthe lensing, beforethese SNe could usedto constrain