Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future

作者: Richard T. Wright , Bernard J. Nebel



摘要: (Most chapters end with Review Questions, Thinking Environmentally, Making a Difference and Web References). Preface. 1. Introduction: Sustainability, Stewardship, Sound Science. The Global Environmental Picture. Three Unifying Themes. Ethics: What Is the Stewardship Ethic? Earth Watch: Agenda 21. I. ECOSYSTEMS AND HOW THEY WORK. 2. Ecosystems: Units of Sustainability. Are Ecosystems. Structure Biomes. Implications for Humans. Can Ecosystems Be Restored? 3. How They Work. Matter, Energy, Life. Principles Ecosystem Functions. Perspective: Lights Nutrients: Controlling Factors in Marine Biosphere 4. Population Succession. Popular Dynamics. Mechanisms Equilibrium. Disturbance Dilemma Advocacy. An Endangered Act? 5. Evolutionary Change. Selection by Environment. Traits Genes. Changes Species Plate Tectonics. Evolution Perspective. Selection: Natural Unnatural. Species? Preserving Genes Agriculture. II. THE HUMAN POPULATION. 6. Human Population: Demographics. Explosion Its Cause. Different Worlds. Social Impacts Growing Populations Affluence. Dynamics Growth. We Living Longer? Immigration. 7. Addressing Problem. Reassessing Demographic Transition. Development. A New Direction Development: Modernization. Cairo Conference. Fertility Literacy. Additional Incentives Reducing Fertility. Integrated Approach to Alleviating Conditions Poverty. III. RENEWABLE RESOURCES. 8. Soil Ecosystem. Plants Soils. Degradation. Erosion Equation. Three-Strata Forage System Mountainous Drylands. 9. Water: Hydrologic Cycle Use. Water-A Vital Resource. Cycle. on Sources Uses Fresh Water. Overdrawing Water Resources. Obtaining More Using Less Desalting Sea Storm Stewardship. Purification. Death Aral Sea. World Forum. 10. Production Distribution Food. Crops Animals: Major Patterns Food Production. Trade. Hunger, Malnutrition, Famine. Summit. Lifeboat Ethic Garret Hardin. 11. Wild Species: Biodiversity Protection. Value Species. Saving Biodiversity. Return Gray Wolf. Biodiversity: Essential or Not? 12. as Biological Systems Conservation Preservation. Biomes under Pressure. Public Private Lands United States. Nature's Corporations. Will Aquaculture Able Fill Gap? IV. ENERGY. 13. Energy from Fossil Fuels. Uses. Exploitation Crude Oil. Other Sustainable Options. Trading Wilderness Far North. Cogeneration: Industrial Common Sense. 14. Nuclear Energy: Promise Problems. Power: Dream Delusion? Power Works. Hazards Costs Power. Advanced Reactors. Future Showdown West. Radiation Phobia? 15. Renewable Energy. Solar Putting Work Indirect Policy Future. Economic Payoff Transfer Technology Developing World. V. POLLUTION PREVENTION. 16. Health. Links between Health Pathways Risk. Risk Assessment. Rights Smokers? Unwelcome Globalization. 17. Pests Pest Control. Need Promises Problems Chemical Approach. Alternative Control Methods. Socioeconomic Issues Management. Policy. DDT Malaria Control: Hero Villain? Wasps 1, Mealybugs 0. 18. Pollution Prevention. Pollution. Eutrophication. Sewage Management Treatment. Monitoring Contamination. Algae Hell. Cleaning Up Flow. 19. Municipal Solid Waste: Disposal Recovery. Solid-Waste Solutions. Waste Regionalized Recycling. Affluenza: Do You Have It? 20. Hazardous Chemicals: Toxicology Hazards. History Mismanagement. Mess. Wastes. Looking toward Case Obee Road NPL Site. Justice Waste. Career Link: Daniel S. Granz, EPA Engineer. Atmosphere: Climate, Climate Change, Ozone Depletion. Atmosphere Weather. Climate. Depletion Layer. Atmosphere. Coping UV Radiation. 22. Atmospheric Air Essentials. Pollutants Their Impact. Pollutants. Acid Deposition. Bringing Taking Stock. Mexico City: Life Gas Chamber. Portland Takes Right Turn. Clean Act Brings Windfall. VI. TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE FUTURE. 23. Economics, Policy, Economics Resources Wealth Nations. Benefit-Cost Analysis. Politics, Public, Green Fees Taxes. Trade Organization. 24. Communities Lifestyles. Urban Sprawl. Blight. Moving Communities. Epilogue. Tangier Island Covenant. Brain Hopper, Law Intern. ABC Video Studies, Volume Appendix A: Organizations. B: Measure. C: Some Basic Concepts. Bibliography Suggested Reading. Glossary. Index.
