摘要: n contrast to northern polar areas, the dipteran fauna of Antarctica is depauperate, with only two naturally occurring species Chironomidae. Surprisingly little known biology these species. One, Parochlus steinenii, reaches southern limit a distribution covering high Andes, Tierra del Fuego, South Georgia and Shetland Islands in maritime Antarctic. The other, Belgica antarctica, endemic What factors influence past colonisation Antarctic?Distributional data evidence from an accidental introduction third chironomid (Eretmoptera murphyi) suggest that difficulty major factor limiting number present Other sub-Antarctic are likely be preadapted more rigorous conditions, should natural or man-induced opportunities occur.Evidence physiological ecological studies identify adaptations which allow survive harsh terrestrial environment Antarctica. Life history characteristics all three include flexibility development rates size achieved, ability continue activity at low positive temperatures. B. antarctica probably limited by availability suitable moist, vegetated, habitats its brachyptery, rather than biological constraints directly, whereas P. steinenii may temperature-limited. Competition does not appear important ecology either species, Antarctic ecosystems generally.