摘要: Contents: Introduction: of empires and revolutionaries. Part I Science, Realism Naturalism: Law & geometry: legal science from Leibniz to Langdell, M.H. Hoeflich Rules law, laws science, Wai Chee Dimock Naturalizing jurisprudence: three approaches, Brian Leiter. II Science on Trial: Commentary: at the bar - causes for concern, Larry Laudan Response commentary: pro judice, Michael Ruse v. creation-science, William A. Thomas Two stories Scopes trial, Lawrance M. Bernabo Celeste Michelle Condit The evolving role courts in educational policy: tension between judicial, scientific, democratic decision making Kitzmiller Dover, Benjamin Superfine. III Proof Truth: Trial by mathematics: precision ritual process, Laurence H. Tribe Irreconcilable differences? troubled marriage Susan Haack A evidence: contributions law probability, David Schum. IV System Change: GA del Langdell a reply Brown Greenberg's use mathematics theory, R. Dow zones cyberspace, Lawrence Lessig Rationality taming complexity, Ronald J. Allen Legal evolution: integrating economic systemic Simon Deakin. V Concepts: jurisprudence genetics, Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss Dorothy Nelkin biology culpability: pathological identity crime control biological culture, Nikolas Rose Philosophical foundations neuroscience, S. Pardo Dennis Patterson Responsible choices, desert-based institutions, challenges contemporary Moore. Name index.