摘要: Cardiac arrest occurs only about once in every 30 000 late pregnancies, but survival from such an event is exceptional. Most deaths are acute causes, with many mothers receiving some form of resuscitation. However, the number indirect deaths–that is, medical conditions exacerbated by pregnancy–is greater than that arise pregnancy itself. The use national guidelines can decrease mortality, as shown reduction numberof pulmonary embolus and sepsis after caesarean section. To try to reduce mortality amniotic fluid embolism, a database for suspected cases has been established. View this table: Physiological changes affecting cardiopulmonary resuscitation Factors peculiar weigh balance against include anatomical make it difficult maintain clear airway perform intubation, pathological laryngeal oedema, physiological factors increased oxygen consumption, likelihood aspiration. In third trimester most important factor compression inferior vena cava impairment venous return gravid uterus when woman lies supine. These difficulties may be exaggerated obesity. All staff directly or indirectly concerned obstetric care need trained resuscitation. A speedy response essential. Once respiratory cardiac diagnosed, patient must positioned appropriately basic life support started immediately. This continued while access secured, any obvious causal corrected (for example, hypovolaemia), necessary equipment, drugs, assembled. View table: Specific pregnant patients ### Airway A quickly established head tilt-jaw thrust tilt-chin lift manoeuvre then maintained. Suction should used aspirate vomit. Badly fitting dentures other foreign bodies …