摘要: The Ubiquitin System: Past, Present and Future Perspectives A. Hershko. Polyubiquitin Chains C.M. Pickart. Ibiquitin-Conjugation System M. Scheffner. Deubiquitinating Enzymes K.D. Wilkinson, Hochstrasser. 20S Proteasome Lupas, W. Baumeister. 26S Rechsteiner. Function of the in Antigen Presentation J. Beninga, A.L. Goldberg. N-end Rule Pathway Varshavsky, et al. Ubiquitin-Dependent Degradation Transcriptional Regulators Hochstrasser, D. Kornitzer. Role Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathwayi Nf-KB Activation Z.J. Chen, T. Maniatis. Ubiquitination 053 Tumor Suppressor J.M. Huibregtse, Integral Membrane Proteins Secretory R.R. Kopito. Ornithine Decarboxylase P. Coffino. Molecular Pathology Human Disease R.J. Mayer, Index.