作者: Doris I. Uchenna , Chioma N. Unachukwu , Tamaramuoemi E. Ambakederemo
摘要: Background: Total or complete visceral situs inversus is the inversion of position thoracic and abdominal viscera. It may be isolated associated with malformations, especially cardiac alimentary. discovered in infancy because anomalies but often remains asymptomatic by chance adult life. Method: The case records index patient literature review on subject were utilized. Result: A 53 year old man was referred to cardiology clinic from general outpatient department account an abnormal ECG. On examination his apex could not located left subsequently right 5th intercostal space mid-clavicular line. Examination abdomen revealed liver spleen. Chest X-ray showed heart hemithorax pointing right, aortic arch gastric air bubble as well. Lungs cage normal. Echocardiography a mirror image dextrocardia. While electrocardiography inverted P waves lead 1 predominantly downward QRS complexes leads 1, V . 5 6 Abdominal scan mirror-image anatomy Conclusion: Situs totalis though rare condition, should sought for when clinical radiologic findings indicate dextrocardia, it incidental finding. Key Words: Dextrocardia; Inversus; Totalis; Nigerian male.