摘要: The barium cloud injection deep into the magnetosphere of September magnetic field is significantly different from that predicted by existing quite- time models. influence current flowing on or near geomagnetic equator gives a more taillike structure at distance as close 5 R/sub e/. Several models have been tried out to obtain best fit experimental obeervations shape field-aligned ion cloud. Although this method dees not lead unique solution, most acceptable option emerging analysis quiet-time tilted images-dipole model with Williams-Mead tail and dislike ring equator. Best-fit parameters are radial extension 6 8.25 e/ total 1.8x10/sup 6/ A. With current, lines intersect 100- km level in northern hemisphere about 1.5 deg south trace computed for conventional model. Changes local magnitude produced configuration inconsistent satellite survey data (Sugiura, 1972), model-predicted Dst value observed (Sugiura Poros, 1972). (auth)