摘要: levels, for example, the conditions of small experimental groups as a subtype social system. Only in so far codification reveals uniformities cognate features many different types operationally studied system do more general theorems have prospect approaching rigorous empirical verification. This specification should not be assumed to capable being carried out by simple "common sense;" it requires careful technical analysis through series concatenated steps. I believe, however, that theory action its present state provides methods successfully carrying this specification, and conversely, generalization well from lower-level higher levels. Perhaps most important key possibility is conception all systems systematically articulated with others along system-subsystem lines. The basic designated here organisms, personalities, systems, cultural must regarded subsystems category Each these turn differentiated into further at levels elaboration. Any subsystem other definable categories input-output interchange, processes, sufficiently highly subsystems, mediated symbolictype mechanisms such those discussed above. In respects, dealing multiple references ke ping straight distinctions articulations between them, has turned greatest enrichment theoretical developed Dubin's "Model II." A "flat" single reference which accepted or rejected on an all-or-none basis complex problems, cannot possibly justice formidable difficulties study human action.