作者: Amr H. Nour-Eldin , Peter Kabal
摘要: Abstract We present a novel MFCC-based scheme for the BandwidthExtension (BWE) of narrowband speech. BWE is based onthe assumption that speech (0.3–3.4 kHz) cor-relates closely with highband signal (3.4–7 kHz), en-abling estimation frequency content given thenarrow band. While schemes have traditionally usedLP-based parametrizations, our recent work has shown thatMFCC parametrization results in higher correlation betweenboth bands reaching twice using LSFs. By employinghigh-resolution IDCT MFCCs obtained from nar-rowband by statistical estimation, we achieve high-quality power spectra which time-domainspeech can be reconstructed. Implementing this schemefor translates advantage MFCCsinto performance superior to LSFs,as improvements log-spectral distortion as well asItakura-based measures (the latter improving up 13%). Index Terms : Bandwidth extension, high-resolution IDCT,highband certainty, mutual information, source-filter model