摘要: Trade in metals, notably the precious metals gold and silver, base copper tin, represents one of major aspects Bronze Age commerce. It has been argued that first large-scale growth a trade, during mid-third millennium B.C., stimulated development international commerce made possible wealth EB II period Aegean, Anatolia Near East. ' continued to be most important elements down end Age. Thus proper understanding nature scope this trade is essential study civilization foreign relations third second millennia B.C. Since these were available only certain areas, was for metallurgy those parts ancient world without native mineral resources, especially Aegean Mesopotamia.2 As virtually no work done on sources or uses silver 3 paper will concentrate upon gold, tin. Technological developments discussed so far as they utilization types ores hence influenced trade. Copper oldest metal known man who making use its special properties since early ninth B.C.4 In c. 4000 used probably exclusively metallurgy, indeed general, little economic importance an insignificant element The main material obsidian, throughout eastern Mediterranean East, from such Ergani Maden near Diyarbakir southeastern Turkey traded part obsidian.5 must admitted, however, world. There at present much discussion regarding phase metallurgy. Though primacy still safely located Mesopotamia, with