摘要: Sunspots, seen as cool regions on the surface of Sun, are a thermal phenomenon. Sunspots always associated with bipolar magnetic loops that break through solar surface. Thus to explain origin sunspots we have understand how field originates inside Sun and emerges at its The predicted by mean-field dynamo theories is too weak itself emerge Sun. However, because turbulent character convection fields generated intermittent – i.e., concentrated into ropes or sheets large spaces in between. sufficiently strong be able surface, spite fact their mean (average) value weak. It suggested here those random times places when total (mean plus fluctuations) exceeds threshold for buoyancy. clustering coherently emerged results formation sunspot. A non-axisymmetric enhancement underlying causes forming sunspot groups, clusters activity active longitudes. field, which not directly observable, also important, being responsible ensemble regularities sunspots, such Hale's law polarities 11-year periodicity.