作者: Bruno Maureille , Isabelle Crevecoeur , Célimène Mussini , Maria Dolores Garralda , Alan Mann
摘要: AbstractBackground and purpose : A femoral diaphysis of an adult Neandertalwas discovered in 2010 at the site Les Pradelles (Marillac-le-Franc,Charente, France) with occupation levels from MIS 4. We describe LesPradelles (LP) discuss its morphometric characte-ristics inrelationto Late Pleistocene diversity. Materials methods: The comparative sample for LP femurconsists Neandertals, Middle Paleolithic modern humans EuropeanUpper Palaeolithic humans. Classical measurements (diameters)andcross-sectionalgeometricpropertieswerestudiedatmid-diaphysis.Thepatternof thickness variations was also analyzed. Results: Morphological aspects this clearly relate it to thoseof Neandertals (anterior curvature, lack pilaster, medial buttress).Exostosesnearandonthelineaasperamaybetheconsequenceofapatholo-gicalbonereaction,withunknowncause.Cross-sectionalgeometricproper-ties place femur within range Neandertal variation. Itpresents, among other features, a greater amount cortical bone com-parisontomodernhumanvariability.The3Dmodelinghighlightsamedialside important corresponding medialbuttress.