作者: Per Timander
摘要: StoraEnso decided in year 2002 to build a pulp mill the province of Guangxi, southern China, and also establish eucalyptus plantations provide it with raw material. By 2010 StoraEnso controls about 90 000 planned 120 ha, out 75 ha is already planted with Eucalyptus. By using better genetic material, improve tending, selecting sites more careful by using proper fertilization regime hopes increase mean annual increment from today’s 25 m3/ha, on bark, 35 m3/ha. This study one part this work the mean increment plantation. This master thesis forth series, that has followed up trial started in spring 2006 when was laid treatments decided. The aim to examine production potential Eucalyptus urophylla southern China. In total there are seven different treatments, which common practice for StoraEnso Guangxi, an untreated control treatment. three max-fertilized have gotten amounts fertilizers after leaf-nutrient analysis. If nutrient analysis revealed concentration specific too low, extra that nutrient were included next fertilization. The treatment highest total at stand age of 68 months treatment: NPK-300-B stem wood of 208.10 m3/ha MAI 36.72 only had a statistically significant higher than Control treatment. The basic density value significantly lower harvested from treatment NPK-300-B (469 kg/m3) compared (498 kg/m3). The leaf analysis showed concentrations all nutrients have increased both treatments since last 2008 made by Rickard Carlsson the recommended ratios been reached nutrients, except phosphorous (P) the control slightly under recommended ratio. Potential dry mass production/ ha/yr latitude Guangxi estimated be around 30 tons, if water, other biotic factors limiting growth satisfied. reaches 14.095 tons/ha volume production peaked 68 months. So potentially 50% the estimated potential.