作者: Rafael Guerrero-Preston , Christina Michailidi , Luigi Marchionni , Curtis R Pickering , Mitchell J Frederick
DOI: 10.4161/EPI.29025
摘要: Tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) are commonly inactivated by somatic mutation and/or promoter methylation; yet, recent high-throughput genomic studies have not identified key TSGs both mechanisms. We pursued an integrated molecular analysis based on methylation binding domain sequencing (MBD-seq), 450K Methylation arrays, whole exome sequencing, and genome gene expression arrays in primary head neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) tumors matched uvulopalatopharyngoplasty tissue samples (UPPPs). uncovered 186 downregulated harboring cancer specific including PAX1 PAX5 we 10 tumor (GABRB3, HOXC12, PARP15, SLCO4C1, CDKN2A, PAX1, PIK3AP1, HOXC6, PLCB1, ZIC4) mutation. Among the novel discovered with dual mechanisms of inactivation, found a high frequency epigenomic alterations PAX family transcription...