摘要: The word ‘cancer’ has been shown to have negative connotations, arousing emotions such as anxiety and fear (Brooks, 1979; Charlton, 1981). To be told that one cancer is a major life event demanding coping resources. Several authors commented on this, for example: The news of diagnosis often sets off crisis in the patient. (Feigenberg, 1970) Psychological reactions patients affected by are understandable. characterised patient’s psychological helplessness what its location really mean — consciously unconsciously victim. with which we concerned here same type others released traumatic experience natural catastrophes, fire, war-time experiences like ... (Caplan Grunebaum, 1967) however, emotional response may best described termed death images. Cancer, perhaps, more than any other disease, presents images primordial suffering terror make it uniquely devastating entity, both psychologically physically. It not though no disease kills, but this disease... long associated man’s most unspoken primitive fears, those boundless suffering. (Wellisch, 1981)