摘要: Many antrophic activities release pollutants to the marine environment. Among them heavy metals are of great importance, since they conservative pollutants, which can be accumulated through trophy chains. Sometimes, liberation waters is acute and drastic, leading massive mortalities. However, more often, by means low chronic concentrations. The main objective present thesis analyze sponge responses in face sublethal concentrations determine, if it possible, whether used as biomonitors such kind pollution. First, we have studied their availability accumulate havey both, temporal especial scales. And then, use different biomarkers, effects on sponges at levels biological organization, from molecules populations. has been performed experiments situ laboratory, order elucidate metal accumulation patterns depending specie considered. "RESUM: TITOL DE LA TESI: "Efectes subletals de la contaminacio per metalls pesats en esponges marines: Respostes a diferents nivells dorganitzacio". TEXT: Moltes activitats antropiques alliberen contaminants el medi. Entre els hem destacar pesants, ja que son conservatius y sacumulen traves les xarxes trofiques. En alguns casos alliberacio dels medi es dona forma aguda i drastica, pot provovar mortalitats massives. De totes formes, general lalliberacio al pesants baixes concentracions cronica. Lobjectiu principal daquesta tesis analitzar respostes determinar seva utilitat com daquest tipus contaminacio. primer lloc, sha destudiar capacitat acumular tant una escala espaial. segon mitjancant lus biomarcadors, efectes esponges, dorganitzacio biologica, desde fins poblacions. Aquesta dut terme convinen aproximacions laboratori tal compendre millor maners models dacumulacio seus funcio lespecie metall considerat. "