作者: Fábio M. F. Santos , Zoe Domínguez , María M. Alcaide , Ana I. Matos , Helena F. Florindo
摘要: The financial support of the Portuguese Fundac a o para Cieˆnciae Tecnologia (FCT) (grants SFRH/BD/94779/2013, PTDC/QEQ-QOR/1434/2014, PTDC/QEQ-MED/5512/2014, FEDER-029967,SAICTPAC/0019/2015, iMed.ULisboa grant UID/DTP/04138/2013,UTAP-ICDT/DTP-FTO/0016/2014, PhD fellowship PD/BD/113959/20for A.I.M), Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacio nyUniversidades CTQ2014-54729-C2-1-P, CTQ2017-89832-Pand BES-2015-074458 for Z.D.), Junta deAndaluci (P12-FQM-2140), ERDF, and Academy Finland(decision 287954) is gratefully acknowledged. CSC–IT Center forScience Ltd, Finland thanked allocation computa-tional resources