作者: Vasilescu A , Bradea C , Fotea , Târcoveanu E , Crumpei F
摘要: INTRODUCTION Strumal carcinoid is a rare neoplasm of the ovary containing thyroid (struma) and component revealed by immunohistochemistry. Case present: A 55-years-old woman with hysterectomy right oophorectomy for uterine leiomyoma ovarian cyst, performed 12 years ago, was referred to First Surgical Clinic, St. Spiridon University Hospital Iasi pain in hypogastrium present 2 months. Laboratory tests are normal serum testing tumor markers unchanged. Ultrasound CT finds topography left well-defined 63 57 71 mm cystic mass, non-uniform wall thickness. Exploration laparoscopy, after adhesiolysis, identifies developed mesosigmoid which excised auterine tube dilatation intactcapsule, we adnexectomy extracted pieces tumors endobag. Evolution simple, patient being discharged 3 days postoperatively. Histopathological exam immunohistochemistry reveal edovarian strumal lymphangioma. After one year follow up disease free. CONCLUSION This association between an mesosigmoidian lymphangioma unusual rare, not cited literature. laparoscopic approach two conditions safe good immediate distant postoperative course.