作者: SA Craig
DOI: 10.1071/WR9850001
摘要: Population dynamics, habitat use and feeding behaviour in a small population of P. australis were studied in 190 ha of Tall Open Forest in the Victorian Central Highlands. Between October 1979 and December 1982, 13 marked individuals were trapped on 71 occasions during 1223 trap-nights. Gliders formed relatively stable family groups, each comprising a single resident pair living in a monogamous relationship with or without dependent offspring. They bred between August and October. Four females were observed with a single pouch young. Each pair occupied substantially separate ranges of between 30 and 55 ha. The maximum number of individuals estimated to be present during any month was eight. Den hollows were located only in living trees and one family group of three individuals used at least eight den trees within their home area. All sap-site trees were located mid-slope and were used mainly during the winter-spring months. Analysis of faeces and direct observation of feeding animals indicated that the bulk of this glider's diet is made up of arthropods, supplemented with insect and plant exudates. Some management implications, based on the life-history requirements of this glider, are discussed.