摘要: Heilbrun, Yasuhara, Shah, Violence Risk Assessment Tools: Overview and Critical Analysis. DeMatteo, Edens, Hart, The Use of Measures Psychopathy in Assessment. Part I: Juvenile Risk. Augimeri, Enebrink, Walsh, Jiang, Gender-specific Childhood Early Lists for Boys (EARL-20B) Girls (EARL-21G). Borum, Lodewijks, Bartel, Forth, Structured Youth (SAVRY). Hoge, Level Service/Case Management Inventory. II: Adult Rice, Harris, Hilton, Appraisal Guide Sex Offender the Ontario Domestic Assault Wife Wong, Olver, Two Treatment- Change-oriented Scale - Sexual Version. Douglas, Reeves, Historical-clinical-risk Management-20 (HCR-20) Scheme: Rationale, Application, Empirical Overview. Monahan, Classification Andrews, Bonta, Wormith, Service (LS) Adults Older Adolescents. Kropp, Gibas, Spousal (SARA). Anderson, Hanson, Static-99: An Actuarial Tool to Assess Violent Recidivism Among Offenders. Boer, Professional Judgment Guidelines Assessment: Risk-20 (SVR-20) Protocol (RSVP).