Contemporary intellectual assessment : theories, tests, and issues

作者: Judy L. Genshaft , Dawn P. Flanagan , Patti L. Harrison



摘要: Part I: The Origins of Intellectual Assessment. Wasserman, A History Intelligence Assessment: Unfinished Tapestry. Kamphaus, Winsor, Rowe, Kim, Test Interpretation. II: Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives. Horn, Blankson, Foundations for Better Understanding Cognitive Abilities. Schneider, McGrew, Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model Intelligence. Chen, Gardner, Assessment Profile: Perspective from Multiple-Intelligences Theory. Sternberg, Triarchic Theory Successful Naglieri, Das, Goldstein, Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, Successive (PASS): Processing-based III: Intelligence, Cognitive, and Neuropsychological Batteries (and Associated Achievement Tests). Drozdick, Wahlstrom, Zhu, Weiss, Wechsler Adult Scale - Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) the Memory (WMS-IV). Breaux, Preschool Primary Third (WPPSI-III), Children (WISC-IV), Individual (WIAT-III). Roid, Pomplun, Stanford-Binet Scales, Fifth (SB5). Singer, Lichtenberger, J.C. Kaufman, A.S. N.L. Kaufman Battery Second (KABC-II) Educational Achievement-Second (KTEA-II). Schrank, Wendling, Woodcock-Johnson III Normative Update (WJ NU): Tests Abilities Achievement. Elliott, Differential Ability Scales (DAS-II). McCallum, Bracken, Universal Nonverbal (UNIT): Multidimensional Alternative Otero, System (CAS): From to Practice. Reynolds, Raines, Reynolds (RIAS) Screening (RIST). Matthews, Riccio, Davis, NEPSY-II. (WNV): Diverse Populations. IV: Interpretive Approaches Their Relevance Intervention. Flanagan, Alfonson, Ortiz, Cross-Battery (XBA) Approach: An Overview, Historical Perspective, Current Directions. Fiorello, Hale, Wycoff, Hypothesis Testing (CHT): Linking Results Real World. Floyd, Kranzler, Processing Interpreting Information Tests: Critical Review. Ochoa, Dynda, with Culturally Linguistically Populations: Moving Beyond Verbal-performance Dichotomy into Evidence-Based Mather, Academic Interventions Students Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD). V: Functioning in Different Ford, Kozey, Negreiros, Early Childhood: Practical McIntosh, Dixon, Pierson, Use Identification Giftedness. Alfonso, Mascolo, Sotelo-Dynega, (SLD) within Context an Operational Definition. Klinger, O'Kelley, Mussey, DeVries, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Yim, Wilcox, Henzel, ADHD: Redefining a Disruptive Behavior Disorder. Decker, Englund, Roberts, Individuals Sensory Physical Traumatic Brain Injury. Armstrong, Hangauer, Nadeau, Developmental (IDD). VI: Emerging Issues Braden, Niebling, Using Joint Standards Evaluate Validity Evidence Tests. Keith, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) Aid Constructs Measured by Miller, Maricle, Emergence Avirett, Role Executive Functions. Brown-Chidsey, Andren, Practices: Problem-solving Applications. McCloskey, Whitaker, Murphy, Rogers, Intellectual, Three-tier Service Delivery Practices Schools. Carroll, Appendix: Three-Stratum
