摘要: Modern processors increase their performance with complex microarchitectural mechanisms, which makes them more and difficult to understand evaluate. KScalar is a graphical simulation tool that facilitates the study of such processors. It allows students analyze behavior wide range processor microarchitectures: from very simple in-order, scalar pipeline, detailed out-of-order, superscalar pipeline non-blocking caches, speculative execution, branch prediction. The simulator interprets executables for Alpha AXP instruction set: short program fragments large applications. object's execution may be simulated in varying levels detail: either cycle-by-cycle, observing all events determine performance, or million cycles at once, taking statistics main issues.Instructors use several ways. First, it used provide demonstrations lectures online learning environments. Second, investigate characteristics specific microarchitectures as practical assignments associated lecture course. Third, undertake major projects involving optimization real programs software-hardware interface, microarchitecture given application workload.A preliminary version has been successfully courses during last two years University Autonoma Barcelona. runs on x86/Linux/KDE system. interface developed using KDE QT libraries. engine running behind heavily-modified SimpleScalar. code available under terms GNU SimpleScalar General Public License