作者: Charles K. Chui
摘要: Orthogonal wavelets daubechies' scaling function on (0.3), D. Pollen wavelet matrices and the representation of discrete functions, P.N. Heller, et al generalized G.G. Walter semi-orthogonal nonorthogonal cardinal spline interpolation teh block spin construction wavelets, G. Battle polynomial splines - a signal processing perspective, M. Unser A. Aldroubi biorthogonal Cohen multiresolution analysis using J.C. Feauveau wavelet-like local bases other for fast numerical linear algebra, B.K. Alpert with boundary conditions interval, P. Aushcer sine cosine coifman meyer smooth wae-lets, Auscher, some elementary properties L2 (Rn), W.R. Madych multi-dimensional two-scale dilation equations, M.A. Berger Y. Wang multivariate short-time fourier window-radon transforms, J. Stockler gabor heisenberg group, H.G. Feichtinger K. Grochenig expansions short time transform from group theoetical point view windowed radon analytic signals wave equation theory sampling interpolation, Kaiser R.F. Streater irregular frames, J.J. Benedetto families tranforms in connections Shannon's tranform, A.Aldroubi H2(R), Seip sampling, phase space density applications to orthonormal wave-lets, operators analysis, S. Jaffard Ph. Laurencot transforms filter banks, R.A. Gopinath C.S. Burrus second generation compact image coding Froment Mallat acoustic compression packets, M.V. Wickerhauser.