摘要: Alternating loess and paleosol units in central eastern China record a long history of monsoon climate. Whereas dust deposition was most intense at times strong cold, dry winter conditions, reddish soils formed during episodes when the warm, moist summer climate strongest. The soil strata are distinguished by their lithology, characteristics, magnetic properties. They dated using radiocarbon, luminescence, cosmogenic-isotope, paleomagnetic methods, grain-size data tuned to marine isotope record. Loess correlate with glaciations stades; paleosols interglaciations interstades. grain size decreases logarithmically across Plateau from NNE SSE, implying that source areas lay northwestern China. Chinese has been identified as far downwind Japan, Pacific Ocean, possibly Greenland. During glaciations, rate reached 0.35 mm year −1 Plateau, but only third great interglaciations. High-magnitude peaks accumulation apparently North Atlantic ice-rafting (Heinrich) events. Reddish fine-grained deposits underlying primary section also eolian origin, indicate onset began Miocene Epoch. Environmental effects associated include landslides, widespread erosion, several important endemic diseases.